As a child I enjoyed academic work, I did however often struggle to take things in whilst solely sat at a desk. At college during theory work I would find myself creating rhymes or short dance routines as a way of remembering all this information I was being fed by my tutors.
I’d then be sat in an exam hall trying to remember certain tendons, muscles, why the body reacts to muscle stress in a particular way, names of theorist or choreographers. A task that had always being stressful and anxiety inducing during primary and secondary education became that little bit easier because I’d developed my own method of retaining more of what I had been taught.
Sitting in an exam hall with my arms subtly twitching and feet tapping out rhythms to dances I had created may be a little unorthodox however i believe this is what helped me graduate with the results I did.
I am now an advocate of developing, creating and providing methods of learning for children through dance. I am passionate and strongly believe children are capable of anything they set their minds to with hard work, dedication and guidance.